Justice Innovation Goals

We assessed and discussed the everyday legal problems faced by Syrians, and chose six areas to focus on. These are our Justice Innovation Goals, and together with their respective targets they guide our innovation efforts and design of solutions.

Reducing violence and discrimination against women


  • Reduce harassment in the workplace.
  • Reduce domestic violence.
  • Raise awareness about the importance of equal rights and duties and prevent gender-based discrimination. 
  • Reduce discrimination against women in laws and legislation.

Related category of legal problems: Violence against women

Syrians have safe and effective access to personal documents.


  • Increase the access of Syrians to their official personal documents, including in neighboring countries.
  • Register civil documents.
  • Provide legal assistance to all persons divested and deprived of their nationality, to persons unregistered according to previous and current regulations and legislation, and to persons who were born in Syria and did not acquire another nationality by virtue of their birth.

Related category of legal problems: Problems with personal documents

Syrians have access to their full rights to housing, land and property


  • Raise awareness of Syrians about their rights to housing, land and property.
  • Enable Syrians to document their rights to housing, land and property.
  • Resolve disputes related to the rights of Syrians to housing, land and property through innovative mechanisms.

Related category of legal problems: Problems with housing, land, and property

Children have access to protection, education and health services guaranteed by international law


  • Support children to access their fundamental rights including education in accordance with the provisions of international and Syrian law.
  • Reduce recruitment of children in Syria and reintegrate them into society. 
  • Help the children most in need, particularly those in camps, in obtaining their right to the necessary physical and psychological health care. 
  • Reduce early marriage, harassment, exploitation and physical and psychological abuse of children.

Related category of legal problems: Harm to children

Syrians have access to public services which are guaranteed by laws and regulations


  • Raise awareness of Syrians about their rights to access public services.
  • Enable Syrians to evaluate the performance of public services in order to achieve access and quality.

Related category of legal problems: Lack of access to public services

Syrians and others are safe and protected from murder, arbitrary detention, arrest and other forms of threats and violations that endanger their lives and freedoms by all authorities, parties and groups as guaranteed by Syrian and international law


  • Increase the protection of all individuals, especially those working in the fields of civil society and political parties, as well as activists, and enhance the protection of their rights. 
  • Reduce the role of exceptional courts significantly and replace them with courts adhering to international standards. 
  • Detainees, prisoners and arrested persons are treated in a manner consistent with international conventions and basic human rights principles.

Related category of legal problems: Insecurity and lack of protection

How were Justice Innovation Goals formulated and selected?

As Stakeholder Team of SJIP, we assessed an overview of sixteen categories of everyday legal problems in Syria. Based on three criteria and consensus through dialogue, we chose to focus innovation efforts on six of these and formulated goals accordingly.

Next steps

At least two of the six Justice Innovation Goals will be further advanced through a multi-stakeholder innovation process. The two initial goals selected are “Syrians have safe and effective access to personal documents” as well as “reducing violence and discrimination against women.”